Sunday, March 29, 2009

We Are All Blessed!

I was just thinking today how happy I am for my friends and family.  I have been overly blessed with the presence of incredible people my whole life, especially right now.  I am particularly happy for the amazing things happening in their lives right now.  

I have friends having babies, buying houses, getting married, getting promotions, finding true love and discovering themselves.  I am truly grateful for the blessings in their lives because they have all been blessings in mine.

If you're reading this, you are either a friend or a stalker  :)  Please know how excited I am for what lies in store for you.  The future is bright for both of us and I want to thank you for being a part of my reality.  Good luck and God bless!


Kaitlyn Flanagan said...

I love your blog!

Kat said...

:) I think it's amazing how happy you can be for your friends instead of being jealous. It is a rare quality to posess! Most people are secretly envious, and I don't understand it, why can't we all just be happy for each other?