Friday, August 14, 2009

Quick Early Morning Rant

Yes, it is early in the morning.  It is 3:57am to be exact and I have yet to go to bed.  My rant is not about sleep, no.  My rant is about boys.  Shocking, I know.

I would just like to send out a plea to the boys here in Utah.  

Please be better.  
Please stop sitting back and letting the girls in your ward drop off cookies for you.  It is making you lazy and unattractive to those of us who are not willing to waste our baking skills on you.
Please be good boys and be nice to girls, a lot of them are my friends.
Please, if you choose school make sure to go to for the right reasons (girl watching is not one of those reasons).
Please know that we expect a lot from you because you should expect a lot from yourself.  Any girl who doesn't encourage you to reach your full potential is a waste of time.  And believe me, you have more potential than you know so don't hide it!

I could go on, but I won't.  This is not because of any recent experience, just the culmination of living here for the past 2 years.  I'm sure I will get nasty remarks about me being jaded and bitter and that is fine.  I'm neither.  I have lived and dated on both coasts and in Utah and I feel as though I'm more informed than most.  

Alright, get going with the nasty comments.  I'm ready.


Williams said...

your are right on. what are you doing in the fall

Maria Johnson said...

no negative comment from me. I just love my sissy! :)

Ashley said...

That's why I married a man from Maine :) I don't think your post deserves any negativity.

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

holy hell you are SO JADED AND BITTER. oh wait.... what I really mean is YOU'RE RIGHT! ;) for real. You'll noticed I didn't get married while living in Utah, and I didn't marry a Utah boy either!

although I do love Utah, it's true. just maybe not for dating.

Rebecca A said...


Great Scott's! said...

You may not be talking about the Scott boys, but you need at least one "nasty" comment...I married my self one of the best most understanding and wonderful men, I know, and he is from Utah. So careful how you throw around your over generalized, blanket, stereo-typical statements in an "early morning rant". Having said that, I know you are hurtin, but bitterness never was happiness. Okay I'm not really judging, I just felt like doing a little faux ranting of my own. Have fun on your cruise, I'm jealous!!!!

Great Scott's! said...

did that come across as overly sarcastic, and kiddy as I had planned? I love you girl, seriously have a blast on your cuise.