Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Do I...Know You?

I love my job, have I ever mentioned that?  I do!  One thing that I might call a downside is that it can make for awkward social encounters.  Let me explain...

This situation doesn't happen much anymore but it happened ALL the time when I worked for a school.  In educational settings you get to know your clients really well and the faces of the other students in the class will get seared on to your brain.  When you see these other students out and about you realize that they look familiar and you struggle and struggle to place them.  I'm the kind of person to say hello if you look familiar but then later regret it if you happen to be someone I've never even spoken to.  

Yeah, I hate it.  Luckily, since going freelance, I have only done this once in the past year.  It's still not comfortable.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.


Ashley said...

I do it ALL THE TIME! Plus, it's equally awkward when there was someone in the class that I didn't ever notice and then they come up and start to chat like we are buddies. That's rough for sure.

Jerilyn said...

Totally! But for me, its the most awkward when they know me and I look like a jerk cuz I have no idea who they are. Especially when I have "Serious face" at the store or something and don't notice them. ayeayeaye.