Monday, June 8, 2009

Have Mercy!

Yesterday was the official birthday of Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley. It first opened for public tours on June 7th, 1982 (happy 27th!). I think I need to go there someday because I have always had an odd fascination with Elvis and all the memorabilia. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to have been born in the 40's because of the things I appreciate. Love you Elvis!

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away."

- Elvis Presley


rachel garber said...

Hey - I've always thought I was supposed to be born in the 20s so I could've been in my 20's for WWII and been a WASP. Crazy how we love other parts of history better than our own :)

P.S. I was really hoping with the title "Have Mercy" we'd see a lovely picture of Uncle Jesse, maybe another day.

Nicki said...

I've always wanted to go there too!

Kaitlyn Flanagan said...

I am in absolute LOVE with Elvis. I seriously wish he was still alive so my crush on him would be a little less creepy. Ha. Oh, and Graceland is really amazing. Just in case you were wondering...