Friday, November 20, 2009

We Did It

Jerilyn and I went to the midnight screening of New Moon. As you may remember , I don't understand the hysteria behind Twilight, vampires, Edward, etc.  But, Jerilyn, being the kindred spirit she is, thought it wise to invite me to the one thing that tweens, teens, young marrieds, middle aged women and soccer moms all swoon over.  It was AMAZING!  The movie wasn't half bad; the fun part was the screaming, the energy from the crowd, me and Jer mocking them and us deciding once and for all that we are on Team Jacob.  A lot was accomplished last night.

See how excited she was?!?!

Interpreters are such nerds.  I count 7 interpreters total, 8 if you count me taking the picture.

It was a two thumbs up sort of night

PS - some people waited hours and hours to get a good seat.  Our group waited for about three but we decided to be jerks and ask them to save us seats.  Aren't they peaches???


Jerilyn said...

Is it wrong that I drooled over a high schooler? and is it wrong that when he took off his shirt, I said multiple times, "Somebody call a Vet, cause those puppies are SIIICK!"

It was a successful evening indeed.

Unknown said...

Rachel, I love the expression of pure job on your face in the last picture. Are you becoming a "twi-hard" now?