Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I want to talk to you about as serious issue. Blog stalking. Yes, I'll even say it again, blog stalking. Eliza likes to call it lurking and while I feel that that is a perfect description, it makes me feel a bit yucky every time I say it.

You know what I'm talking about. You read someones blog and you peruse their friends, you read their comments, you STALK! I'm super guilty. I always feel a bit (incredibly) lame doing this, but come one! We all do it. It's odd seeing that your friends actually have other friends and that those friends actually have somewhat interesting lives. Very odd.

Confession time - I have an odd quirk about friendships and relationships in general. I like all my relationships to be 50-50, so if feel like any relationship is less than equal, I feel awkward. Let me now bring this to the blogging world. I don't want to add you to my blog until you have added me. I feel like I am putting flashing lights, screaming "I'm a stalker" if you're on my blog friends list and I'm not on yours. I follow a bunch of blogs from people I used to go to church with in San Diego, but when I say follow, I really mean stalk. But I refuse to put them on my blog because they don't have me on theirs! I'm so lame.

So, thank you for reading my blog....don't tell your friends I stalk them.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I try not to stalk. I used to stalk shanna but I came out. Since I came out about shanna, I don't stalk anyone anymore. I leave comments.

Kristine Elaine said...

Not only are you on my list but I also have you as one I follow so I can know when you update. I love your blog!

Great Scott's! said...

stalking lurking following finding, ect...what ever you want to call it, it's as much the blogging community as, Taz and Looney tunes,Dumpsters and stank, plubic bathrooms and bad toilet paper, something we bloggers have to put up with and accept...Cause I think were all guilty. I always try to be really supportive when people "come out", like Eliza. I would and could hopefully expect the same in return. PS your a great bloggger!

Alex said...

I prefer to call it "Blog Hopping"... How do you think I found YOUR blog. haha