Saturday, December 13, 2008

Goals, NOT Resolutions

I know with the new year fast approaching we all start of thinking of what worked and what didn't for the year.  I think about these things constantly because I'm pretty sure I will never find myself to be good enough (no comments about that statement please).  So, here is my list of ongoing goals:

1. To actually make use of my Rec Center pass
2. To be a better friend and person
3. To be a more effective and concerned teacher
4. To actually come to a decision about my future
5. To stay organized this next semester
6. To learn more about real love
7. To improve whatever talents I may possess
8. To mend relationships and right my wrongs
9. To be more proactive about interpreting
10. To figure out how to return the light to my eyes

This list is far from over and I'm definitely taking suggestions for any additions.  So I guess I'm grateful for everyday that I wake up and get to work on this list.  I only hope that I can be more diligent than I have been.  Good luck with your own goals/resolutions!

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