Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Exception, Not the Rule

In the movie "He's Just Not That Into You" a character comes to the realization that most horror-to-happy relationship stories are the exception, not the rule. Of course, she has to be coached by a very blunt guy about this because no one comes out and actually says this stuff. It's really incredible how they talk about it in the movie and I have done pretty good at taking it to heart.

I've been thinking about how girls will enable each other in this way. I can't tell you how many times I've had a guy do something stupid to me and how most of my girlfriends rush to my aid with a story about how their sister's roommate's niece went through the same thing and now they're blissfully married with a baby on the way. Yikes. We repeat these stories to try to ease our friends pain and give hope. Guess what...that is enabling behavior and those success stories are the exception, not the rule.

The rule is that if a guy likes you, you'll know it. He'll chase and make you feel special. That is the rule. 

I don't want to be the exception though. Is it too much to ask for an open, honest guy who isn't going to play games with my heart? I think not. I want to be the rule. Boys no longer have such a confusing role in my life and I LOVE IT. 

Sorry about the weirdo post, it's just been on my mind for several months and I'm happier for it. I still love boys but I still (and will always) think that the majority of them are sloppy idiots.


Hannah Neville McMillan said...

can I just say that when juice bag was a juice bag I did NOT excuse it.... I told you he was a juice bag. just throwin' that out there ;)

Unknown said...

I'm totally a dating enabler. It's terrible and I'm trying to overcome it. I put up with so much crap from boys and I encourage my friends to do the same. WHY??????

But Rachel you are too smart and too pretty!

Kat said...

we're affirm each other, it's what we do! I'm definitely guilty of this!

rachel garber said...

bravo - I'm glad we've taken the same advice to heart from the lovely little flick :) Continue forward with this . . .

Jerilyn said...

Im guilty on both counts. I always feel like the exception really validates my point though. What a bummer when movies like this point out our stupidities. Haha