Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cruise Activities

Ok, I refuse to do a day by day breakdown of what we did on the cruise because it's only interesting to me and Jerilyn. I promise. So I figured I could share my pictures and stories through categories! I am so smart! S-M-R-T!

Our first night there was a song extravaganza in the Savoy Theater.  It was awesome and tacky all at the same time.  

I had about 5 self serve ice cream cones a day on board.  I was amazing!

We ate lots and lots.  This was from an outdoor party on the pool deck.

I got lots of quality time with this awesome lady :)

There was a game show one evening and embarrassing the men seemed to be a top priority.  They are wearing women's bras, carrying a purse and have lipstick on their pretty puckers.  It was my favorite night!

We went dancing almost every night!  This is me with our friends Wormy and Peter Cook.  Peter is a really famous ASL story teller.  We had so much fun!
Every day while cruising there would be a reggae type band playing for us on the pool deck.  They were great!

We went to some pretty great workshops.  I had to post this picture because it is of Jerilyn and Keith Wann!  He really liked her sign song and asked her to perform it in front of the group!

Part of the group of interpreters and presenters

A parade in the middle of the boat!  

Jerilyn and I have decided to become cruisers.  Yep, we are giving into our addiction and are already looking at booking more cruises.  That is correct, plural.  We want to cruise over Christmas break and again next summer.  There will be another interpreter cruise next summer going to Alaska.  Come with us!


rachel garber said...

Ooooh, an Alaska cruise is what I've wanted to do for years but everybody seems to think they're only for the social security-type. So jealous!

rebecca said...

i didnt know it was an interpreting cruise! how fun! glad you had a good time!

Jerilyn said...

That pic of me doing the sign song makes me want to throw up a little bit, and not in a good way. The only reason I am letting you keep it up is because Keith Wann happens to be in the Pic. Wasn't it nice of him to invite us to the cruise, ha:) lol

Nicki said...

Awww.... looks like you had a great time! Once you start its hard to stop :)