Thursday, September 10, 2009

For those of you curious about the blogging hiatus and who aren't in regular contact with me......

I'm in Thailand!!! It has been incredible so far, we got here on Tuesday (it is now Friday the 11th at 9:30am). We landed in Bangkok, immediately flew to Phuket (pronounced Poo-get) and the next day took a ferry to Phi Phi Island (pronounced pee pee) (seriously). We went on an amazing adventure yesterday that included feeding monkeys at Monkey Beach, snorkeling in the Andoman Sea and racing a rainstorm in a long boat. Terrifying but probably the most fun I have ever had.

More to come later! I'll be here until the 25th and I'm traveling with my good friend, Britta Larsen who I know from San Diego. I miss you all!


Joby, Julie, Cru and Sage said...

Dude i am so excited that you are there! The phi phi islands are amazing right!!! Chang mai is still my favorite. Dont you want to move there. I am going to adopt a thai baby. Such cute little kids. I am so excited to talk to you when you get back. Make sure to get your teeth looked at by a tranny dentist...highlight of our trip.

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

sheesh I was wondering where the H you were... I guess we need to keep in better contact so I know when you leave the country. My dad served his mission in thailand-- just make sure not to climb on any sacred statues for pictures.. you might get arrested.

Lacey Voris said...

so jealous! i hope you are having a lot of fun! can't wait to see pictures!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're still alive. I'm struggling enough as it is with out you. You better come back home! (Although, Lindsey has been a great substitute roommate. ;))