Monday, September 21, 2009

I forgot to mention that the street we're staying on in Kuala Lumpur is basically the El Cajon Boulevard of Chinatown. Those of you from San Diego understand the reference, those of you not from San Diego should know that El Cajon Blvd is notorious for prostitution.

There are several ladies of the night who hang around all day. In fact, there is one who stays put all day just scanning for clientele. We believe her to be a lady boy, a shemale, a tranny of sorts. She's tall, wears a different colored sari everyday, wears WAY too much makeup and appears to do 12-16 hour shifts. Yesterday she was visited by a group of friends (?) and as we were walking by, one called out to me, "Where are your breasts?". Isn't that so lady like? I had several replies ready to go but I don't think it would be advisable to get in a fist fight with a tranny in a foreign country.


Lindz said...! I laughed out loud on this one! So funny! You should have out some toilet paper in your bra. TP from Fuddruckers...

Jerilyn said...

I am so looking forward to hearing about all of your stories. I love foreign countries. Always MOUNDS of fun. (pun intended)

Great Scott's! said...

oh Rachel I miss you and all your cleverness. And just so you and that trannie know, I found all extra boobs when I got pregnant. I'm not trying to be selfish, you can have them back and more if you want. I know I'm so generous. Well come home to us safely! love and miss ya!