Sunday, September 20, 2009

I have WAY too much to say...I should have been blogging everyday but there have been things I have wanted to do other than be in some internet cafe for an hour. I'm currently in Kuala Lumpur at a hostel in Chinatown. I absolutely love it!

Britta and I hae been traveling with Clarke, a Welsh fellow we met while in Phuket, and we have been with him for about 6 days now. He is a laugh and a half and is teaching us all about life in the UK. By the way....the UK has WAY better slang than we do! They really know how to make full use of their adjectives!

I will post pictures and things when I get home next weekend, I have already taken several hundred. Yesterday on a bus trip an old man in front of me came seriously close to falling on the floor several times as he kept nodding off. It was awesome. Also yesterday, Clarke was ever so kind about letting us cut his long hair into a mullet, he bought a beer tank top and we went out to dinner. It was quite a fantastic evening. I learned I have a talent for sculpting mullets!

On this trip we have met people from all over the world and most of them have been traveling for several months already and will continue to travel for several more. Apparently it is common (especially in Europe) to do this sort of world trip several times in your lifer. Everyone has been astounded that we are only out for 19 days, it's basically a long weekend to them! I feel like I've been gone forever but I like the way they think. None of them are in debt over it, they saved and are living frugally so they can afford this incredible experience. I find it inspiring!

More later,


rebecca said...

holy cow! what an amazing experience! im so happy for you! ( also... do i have to be the one to bring up brokedown palace? thats all)

Unknown said...

I love that you gave some guy a mullet!