Monday, May 3, 2010

Notes for Daughters

Today while in a waiting room, I picked up a Good Housekeeping magazine and an article caught my eye.  It's titled, "Wear the Corsage" and is about a woman who will never have a daughter but this is the advice she would give if she ever had had a girl.  Here are some of my favorites and ones that I want your input on:

Live as if there is enough talent, success, luck and fabulousness to go around.

Hard work is important. Choose what exhilarates you, not what exhausts you.

If you are wondering if he's "The One", he isn't.
(alright married this true?  Discuss)

Believe in "The One"
(not always easy, for sure!)

Even when you are both madly, truly in love, raising children is the toughest job you'll ever have.  Don't attempt it with someone who doesn't rock your world, no matter how happy it would make your moms or how sparkly the ring

Anyone who says these are the best years of your life is a liar

You look ugly when you gossip

Even if you have just been shot with a tranquilizer for elephants, do not sleep in your makeup.  Or contact lenses
(I need to follow this better)

Go to your prom.  Wear the corsage.  Stand under the arch.  Get the photographs.  Honestly?  Cool is overrated
(LOVE, again)


Amber said...

"Even when you are both madly, truly in love, raising children is the toughest job you'll ever have. Don't attempt it with someone who doesn't rock your world, no matter how happy it would make your moms or how sparkly the ring"

i LOVE that! Great post, as always.

Kristy said...

I loved this post also! I don't have any girls yet, but I think I would tell my girl those things also. Except for one. I do believe in "the one". I also believe that there are many types of "the one" and maybe more than just "one" out there. There is the right one, the wrong one, the good one, the cool one... you get the point. All I know is waiting for "the right one" was totally worth it. That also makes raising children together much, much better, but not easier. Love you!

-Danica- said...

Oh my I love this. and it hits home now that I have a little girl in my tummy who I want to teach everything I possibly can to.. As for "the one" I think its okay to wonder and question. I "knew" it was Jake from the beginning but that doesn't mean i have never questioned at some point. I also believe strongly that there is more the one person we are made for and could be with and our different paths in life lead us to different people.. so "the one" at 20 might be different from "the one" 5 years later. Thanks for the post - I am definitely copying down this one

Unknown said...

I would have stolen the magazine. So good, thanks!

rebecca said...

so true about "the one." people used to hate on me cause i got married so young. but the truth is that even at 19, i knew.

Ashley said...

It is true about wondering, if you wonder he's not it, cause you just know. I do disagree about one part, being a mother has been the best year/s of my life. You have to be positive about motherhood or it becomes a chore. Love the article though. So uplifting!

Erica Yates said...

Yeah, when you know you just know. And it's not always easy to explain. I "knew" Isaac was the one for me on February 20th, 2007... when he was still in Iraq. Remember we only met a handful of hours before he made the trek over there and only had letters and phone calls to keep us connected and getting to know eachother. And I can tell you exactly when and where I was when I just "knew". I'll admit that there were times after he'd gotten home where I said "Really? SERIOUSLY!?" but hey, that's alright too! It was all part of the adjustment process and us learning about eachother. I've only been married since August, but already I've had my world switched upside down. It would so not be worth it if I didn't know that he was the one and if I wasn't as in love with him and he in love with me as we are. I agree that there are many "right" ones out there, but when you find one, you just know. There were so many guys I could see having a future with, so I could never use that to judge, but now that I know I've found the one I'm supposed to be with, not only do I see the future, but I can't imagine it any other way.

Good post. I like it. I liked the "no matter how happy it would make your mom or how sparkly the ring". I thought that was funny.