Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Goes Around

I like to read. I spend a lot of time on news sites reading articles about any topic you can think of. Often, when I'm done with the article, I will read comments submitted by fellow readers. The one I just finished reading on Yahoo! (here) made me realize something.

Our society has completely gotten away from the idea of giving people the benefit of the doubt. We are suspicious of the motive of others around us. We Americans live in an individualist society and I think it's only getting worse. We are often more out for ourselves than for the group. Granted, this isn't everyone, but, blah - it's a lot of us. If you read the article and the comments you will see most people are assuming that there is some motive behind this child's act of generosity. Maybe there is, maybe there isn't, but why speculate? 

Should we live our lives guarded and suspicious? Or should we live believing in goodness and set ourselves up to be taken advantage of? I don't know, but I do know that this world has a way of balancing itself out. I truly believe in karma and that living a good life will leave you with peace of mind.

Sounds good to me!


-Danica- said...

wow. i just went and read the article and comments. did you read the one from "Danger Ranger?" oh how i would like to give him a piece of my mind....

i was listening to a song on youtube today and, yah, it was a bit ridiculous, but in the comments someone wrote WE HATE REBECCA BLACK 6 times. come on people... and we wonder why the world has gotten so bad? i just wish people had a bit more love and trust...

Suzie said...

I'm a huge believer in Karma. I tend to get taken advantage of because I'm "too nice". But when things happen...I always think what goes around comes around! ;)
Good people always come out on top!

Ashley said...

You know. If more people could be positive and less cynical I would appreciate it. Sheesh. What a great kid in that article! It's kind of like giving to the poor or people on the street who beg; if you give it doesn't matter what they do with the money you give. What matters is that you give and are charitable. Man, I like you and I totally wish I could blog like you. *sigh*