Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Black Wednesday

I recently posted about how Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011 would forever be known as Black Tuesday. Well when I learned that our Beloved Rachel Johnson, whom I affectionately call Julia Roberts because they have the same amazing smile, was leaving for a month to travel through our communist banker China, I knew that I was about to face another black day in my life. This time, it would be a Black Wednesday.  

Wednesdays have a special place in my heart because they are reserved for my other blog called Awkward Wednesday. This blog focuses on awkwardness worldwide in an effort to help educate the masses and help reduce awkward encounters worldwide. This Wednesday will be a sad awkward Wednesday indeed.

Now, I know I'm not the only sad one. There will be a cornucopia of strapping young single adult lads here in the DC area, and I'm sure all over the globe, who will be suffering from the lack of that beautiful smile, glowing personality and wonderful babe, Rachel Johnson, for the next month. And I know she has a few girlfriends who will miss her too.

Knowing this, she asked me to prepare a blog should that she could schedule to be posted during her media blackout in communist China. I  know  this will show up on my feed as a new post from her and I am sure will greatly disappoint me when I click on it hoping to enjoy her usual great posts only to realize it is my own. I feel terrible knowing that this might trick everyone else into a false hope of a little Rachel and I am conflicted about actually letting her post this.

Have fun, be safe and HURRY back Rachel!

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