Sunday, April 21, 2013

Monaco.....Le Sigh

We arrived in Villafranche, France on a rainy morning but that didn't dampen Jeff's spirits - for some reason he thought that dancing on the deck was a good idea....

He's a really good dancer and kept many of the cruise guests entertained


Vanessa saw a photo op and took it!

GOOD graffiti at the train station 

We took the train to Monaco because we could. I love riding on trains with these people.

Hello, Monaco! I think Beyonce's yacht is out there somewhere

This place is just so opulent. Dripping and oozing with wealth.

The famed Monte Carlo casino

Scotty bet 20 of his euro and 5 of Jeff's on black in blackjack and won! There was a VERY embarrassing story (for Scotty) behind the win but I'll spare him. Point is - he won! I'm sure Jeff was happy for the extra 5 euro. 

Melissa and me in front of the casino

The King family loved their wifi....and getting out of the rain for a minute

You bet we had pastries! Macaroons and flan - double yum!

Apparently nudey tourists were such a problem that a sign had to be created to address the issue. We were all covered that day but if it hadn't been raining maybe the sign would have applied to us.

At the palace, overlooking the city.

Massive crush on Monaco!

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