Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hole in the Wall

When Eliza and I were in Vegas I caught a crazy new show called "Hole in the Wall". I took this picture off the TV with my camera so I apologize for the poor quality, but it was just too funny!  It demonstrates the goal of the game quite well and it's just a funny picture!

There were two teams of three and the object was to get through the cut out in the wall without being pushed over or breaking the cutout. The wall is made of foam so it was easily broken, they had to be very precise. Behind them was a tank of water that they would land in if they missed the shape and were pushed back.

It was hilarious! I haven't looked for it since but I'll absolutely watch again if it's on. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that they wear skin tight shiny silver body suits. Why those are necessary I'll never know.


Natalie and Nathan said...

I saw that show once, It was hysterical!

tira said...

soooo...that was a japanese game show...ellen discovered and recreated it on her show..then they made it into the show you hilarious. though i think it is better in the pure japanese form. i love the japanese. and i love you too!

Mark and Callie said...

Oh my gosh!!! I love this show. I think it is so hilarious! Although i must admit that there is no need for the metallic skin suits. And lets just say that most of the people on there have absolutely NO business wearing them! But very very funny! and i must admit, the Japanese version is much better.

Unknown said...

Metallic skin suits are always appropriate, I don't know what you are talking about.

KT said...

You prompted me to You Tube it. Absolutely hilarious! I especially liked the one where the three husky men tried to jump through small "splat" holes. Too funny.