I'm sure I am as transparent as a sliding glass door but I want to do this post just once and then hopefully never again.
I am really, truly over being single. It's a real chore to be over 23 and single here in Utah. To my close friends and single friends I can voice my true opinion but to everyone else I feel like I have to play the "I'm single and it is super awesome" card. I feel like it is in everyone's best interest if I keep up the facade. While I do enjoy the freedoms that I have due to my single status, I am at the stage in life where I am ready to share opportunities and experiences.
It seems somewhat socially unacceptable to really discuss this. If you are in my position, you typically come off as pathetic. If you are a guy, you're a weirdo. So most people just keep their mouths shut. Why are those the only options? Sigh.
I was talking to my lovely and talented friend, Sariah, the other day. She is single and also here in Utah and we talked about options for staying here or moving. She is a truly amazing lady and I know without a doubt that she will find a wonderful spouse someday. She said the same thing about me and I appreciate it but I have to finally admit and say out loud that I really don't think I will ever get married. I'm not looking for any pity, I just have been feeling this way lately and I can't deny it.
I have never been in love even though several guys I've dated have told me they loved me. I don't get it, I never seem to attract the type of guy with whom I could have a real relationship. As humans I think most of us crave love and affection and the opportunity to give it back to someone. I have all those same wants but I 'm pretty sure I have to figure out how to redirect those feelings into something else. Like my nieces and nephews....lucky kids!
Thanks for letting me get it out. Now you know my secret, no judging!